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Hope against  breast cancer

Hope against breast cancer.

About 1 out of 8 women will have breast cancer !
​However, thanks to recently-found molecules witch can help cure some kinds of particularly aggressive cancer, 70% of new cases could have been healed.
Example of the HER 2+ cancer, the most aggressive and deadly breast cancer, witch represents 15% of breast cancers ! A revolutionary molecule, called trastuzumab, was discovered. Besides the fact that it heals this type of cancer,there are fewer secondary effects: no more hair loss, less tired,and a smaller exposition to other minor sicknesses (like colds..)in contrast to the other treatments more harsh to one's immune system.

This new molecule would be able to save 20% more of the women affected every year! But there is a very big problem : the price! Per year , it would cost 30 000 to 50 000 euros per patient, a price that creates arguments for certain countries like the United Kingdom , where the doctors and the social security decided to finance this molecule for 90% of it's price only if  there is a chance that the patient will cure after two years or so of treatment; the metastatic patients  can't get this treatment unless they pay it them selves . Some countries like France are no  so keen , especially  in time of crisis.

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